Emergency Dial 9-1-1



1500 GPM Single Stage Hale QMAX pum,p 500 gallons of water, 50 gallons Class “B” foam, Around the Pump Proportioner, 100′ of 1″ forestry hose, 750′ of 1 ¾” hose, 350′ of 3″ hose, 1275′ of 5″ hose, 25kw Amps Hydraulic generator, 6000 watt Wil-Burt 25′ light tower, Four 1500watt Quarts Body Lights (Two on each side), Two 750 watt Tri-pod Quarts Lights (mounted on the rear), Body Lights and Tri-pod lights can be turned on from inside cab, Four bottle 6000 PSI cascade system, One Hurst 220 Electric Simo pump power unit, One Hurst Honda Gas Simo pump power unit, One 32B spreaders, One “O” cutter, One Maverick Combo Tool, One 30″ ram Two Telescoping rams, 220 ton air bags, 8000lb. winch, Six Scott SCBA, One Scott Eagle, Thermal Imaging Camera, RIT Equipped, Crew of 8, Meets NFPA and MSFA Standards for Engine and Rescue and Kent County Chiefs’ Association Standards for Rescue Engine.

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